Cannabis Chronicles

Question Everthing.

San Diego – The #1 Place to Best Place to Live in America

Okay so we’ve all seen the report.  According the the Harris Survey the #1 best place to live in America is New York.  the #2 best is San Diego.  The #1 worst place to live is New York and the #2 worst place to live is Detroit.  Let’s take a look at that.  New York is the #1 best and #1 worst at the same time.  Sorry but those two negate each other totally.   New York must still be the place of giant overpaid execs (with what money now? – where does it come from now – the same thing as before – the taxpayers!) Big dollars flowing at giant proportions to the next criminals.  The money is flowing so fast that there will be another major blood letting of foreclosures, business failures, local government bankruptcies.

The conclusion of all this is that San Diego is the #1 best place to live.  We need a campaign to prove we are #1.  We want to object to New York being #1.  You New Yorkers need a Marijuana Weekend Retreat.  You Fly here on a Friday – you receive Medical Marijuana in the most luxurious premium Cannabis Herbal kinda way with organic eating, physically luxuriating baths and massages, or in the desert cowboy hippie experiential way.

San Diego brands itself as an equal foursome.  Cowboy| Hippie | Nerd | Surfer Dude.  We challenge NY and encourage people to travel between the two cities and experience the local life.  We in San Diego will serve up the most primo weed in the world in laid back chill cafe’s that keep you connected to the local growers, artists and musicians.  Actually if I owned 7-11’s I have abtotal idea on how to rebrand them and make them the physical communication hub of the community . we are still going to need a central human connection point for validation and exchange of opinions of ideas with the human truth factor (seen and felt in person) .

Commercial Real Estate Space is all about shared retail space.

October 22, 2010 Posted by | San Diego | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment