Cannabis Chronicles

Question Everthing.

Don’t Despair 20 Somethings

I’m really concerned about the despair that I read in in her recommended blogroll.  A lot of young women are feeling very anxious and have despair.  It’s like they look around and see a lot of people in a malaise.  No one thinks about the future.  It’s like a big blur because there is so much uncertainty.  We need to get re-focused on understanding that our collective and individual thoughts are solely responsible for our future.  We have to get the wisdom of belief back.  It ‘s so hard to do when you think you are  not in control. it’s like we’re burned out and don’t want to be in control, we’re ripe for someone to come in and motivate us in some direction, any direction.  direction means movement and we crave movement because we feel like we are stuck and can’t get out.  what is causing this lethargy – is it in the planets – huge solar flares – the earth being shifted a bit because of the earthquakes – or is it just ourselves. are we so busy trying to outwardly connect that we forget living small.  we forget the greatness of what is immediately around us – the most 3-d experience we can have, why are we trying to duplicate reality when all we need to do is get out into nature and allow your self to experience and communicate with the energy of the universe.

Vanessa Soberanis

These Photos are Magnificent , Vanessa Soberanis.

April 18, 2010 Posted by | American Indians, Avatars - Yours, Consumerism, Earth, Health Care, Marijuana, Sexuality, Women's Health | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Volcano Shuts Down World – Well Almost

Icelandic Volcano

Icelandic Volcano

Some of the best Volcano Photos I’ve seen.

April 18, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment